Sunday of art and culture at the Civic Museums of Bassano del Grappa!
On the occasion of International Museum Day (IMD), promoted by the International Council of Museums (ICOM), guided tours of the Civic Museum on Sunday 19 May will be free.

The program of the day:

→ Guided tour of the Renaissance in black and white exhibition. The art of Printmaking in Venice (1494-1615), at the Museo Civico at 11:00 am
→ Guided visit to the permanent collections of the Civic Museum at 3.30 pm
→ Guided tour of the Renaissance in black and white exhibition. The art of Printmaking in Venice (1494-1615), at the Museo Civico at 5.00 pm

Reservation is mandatory and places are limited.

Furthermore, on the occasion of Buongiorno Ceramica, the widespread festival of Italian Ceramics organized by the Italian Association of Cities of Ceramics (AiCC), Palazzo Sturm and its collections will also be open to visitors for free throughout the whole day on Sunday 19 May. 

Take advantage of this unique opportunity to immerse yourself in the wonderful collections of the Civic Museums of Bassano del Grappa.

For information and reservations:
→ T +39 0424 519901